Discover the present moment:Through the practice of Zen with matcha-CHAZEN-, let's daily align mind, body, and spirit, awakening to the true abundance of life.

Japan's Secret Method for Everyone

We designed the -CHAZEN METHOD- with authentic Matcha Ritual Masters -茶人- to make it accessible for people worldwide to practice this sacred zan practice anywhere.



Dive into the essence of Japanese culture with our Matcha Ritual, intricately entwined with Zen philosophy. Each sip brings inner peace and clarity, powered by Matcha's Theanine for enhanced relaxation and focus. Developed with Matcha Ritual master, Our Method takes you on a journey of self-discovery and balance in today's hectic world. Discover the harmony of mind, body, and spirit as you unlock pure abundance and reconnect with your authentic self through the sacred Matcha Zen Ritual, deeply rooted in Japanese Zen philosophy. Embrace an enlightened life.


Beyond morning and bedtime, matcha Ritual is also embraced in various other contexts.

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1, Align mind, body, and spirit

First, in order to meet the authentic self, it is necessary to harmonize and align the mind, body, and spirit. Align your breathing with the technique of the Matcha Method and visualize harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit as you stir the Matcha and breathe gently at the same time.

Align mind, body, and spirit.

2, Unlocking Enlightenment with Matcha Zen

Enlightenment isn't extraordinary—it's a fleeting moment when mind, body, and spirit align. It's attainable by anyone with the right mindset. Achieving harmony within brings you closer to your authentic self, attracting the purest abundance. This state is essential for drawing in the purest abundance. Our Matcha ritual fosters this daily state, embraced by Zen masters and Steve Jobs.

Harmony of mind, body and spirit for understanding of the state of enlightenment

3, Bring back Mindful and Enlightened Life.

The Present Moment —We unlock a realm of possibilities rich sensory experiences, heightened creativity and insight, deep connection and understanding, inner stability and joy, and clarity of purpose and meaning in life. Engaging in daily Matcha rituals aligns the mind, body, and spirit, leading us to meet our authentic selves and manifest a state of pure abundance in the realm of enlightenment, ultimately allowing us to live our best lives.

Bring back the present moment.


Your sensitivity blossoms, allowing the flow of energy within to materialize creativity and bring about a state where abundance can be manifested.

The state of enlightenment and mindfulness.
